At Advance Communications, Inc. we pride ourselves on being the go-to 24/7 answering service that understands the dynamic needs of your business. Choose between our Live Operator Answering, ensuring every caller is greeted with a live voice providing information or taking messages with the same care as your office staff, or our Call Screening option. With Call Screening, a customized recording can efficiently guide callers to the information they seek, leaving the option to connect with a live operator for further assistance.
Answering Every Call: Live Operator and Call Screening Options
24/7 Service: Our Phones, and Our Company, Never Sleep.

As a 24/7 answering service, we’re ALWAYS there when you and your customers, clients, and patients need us – 365 days a year. That enables you to use your time more efficiently, knowing your calls are being handled properly, professionally, and promptly…just as you expect.
Our Answering Services Can Be Organized into 3 Primary Categories:
Medical & Health
Management Services

Our team emphasizes the importance of promptly and accurately managing patient, hospital, and medical facility calls. With extensive experience in medical answering services, we recognize the critical need for gathering essential information with meticulous attention to detail. Our commitment includes swift and secure dispatching in accordance with your specific protocols, ensuring a seamless, efficient and HIPAA Compliant process.
Trades, Property Management
& Towing Services

In industries where time-sensitive communication is prevalent, callers seeking urgent responses deserve the reassurance of a compassionate and intelligent voice. At Advance Communications, we provide the assurance that your tenants and customers’ messages will be dispatched promptly and accurately. Our operators are dedicated to fulfilling this promise, ensuring callers experience confidence in the swift handling of their urgent needs.
Professional & Sales Services,
Computer & Web Support

Numerous clients express the importance of their answering service seamlessly mirroring the tone and essence of their office or organization. At Advance Communications, we understand this need. Not only do we answer calls in a style that aligns with your preferences, but we also possess the capability to furnish specific information on behalf of each client. Consider us a strategic partner in contributing to the growth of your business, as our services aim to seamlessly integrate with the identity and objectives of your organization.
Answering Options: Seamless Communication Solutions for Your Business
Live Operator Answering
Any time of day, if your office wants callers greeted with a live voice, that is what they will get. Our telephone operators will gladly provide information or take a message using the same care and accuracy as expected if the call was answered by your office staff.
Call Screening
Callers being greeted by a customized recording may provide exactly what they are looking for without speaking with a live person. Providing office hours, the office fax number, or the option to leave a voicemail using a custom outgoing greeting may be the right fit for offices that receive a high number of routine calls after-hours. Speaking to an operator, for callers needing further assistance, is always an option!
Voice Mail with Operator Revert
The phone is answered by a recorded announcement explaining who has been reached, giving the option to either leave a message or call back during regular business hours. For urgent calls, we provide a “push Zero” option to connect with an operator.
Essential Components to Our Answering Services
- Accurate name and company spelling and phone number confirmation for every caller.
- Operators who are trained to follow even the most difficult on-call dispatch schedules.
- Operators who are trained to listen, calm callers and take control of each call with an empathetic and caring voice.
- Operators who are trained on how to differentiate between routine and emergency calls.
- Ongoing monitoring of each operator station to assure every protocol is being followed.
- Ease in making permanent or temporary changes to your account.
- Archived message retrieval for up to one year.
Customized Messaging Solutions: Tailored to Fit Your Business Needs
We offer flexible messaging options to suit your business style, including encrypted smartphone messages, voicemail, texts, faxes, emails, and more, all customizable to ensure you receive important updates in your preferred way, anytime.

How do you prefer to receive your messages?
Based on the way you do business, we can:
- Send Encrypted messages to your Smart Phone
- Hold messages from voicemail or live operator
- Text messages to your mobile device
- E-mail messages
- Fax messages (from routine messages to all dispatches from the previous day)
- Deliver messages to your very own Secure Portal
- Any combination of the above, based on your needs, any time of day
HIPAA Compliant Secure Messaging Services
For the medical field, trust our HIPAA Compliant Secure Messaging services. We partner with leading platforms like TigerConnect, Onviguard, and Doximity, ensuring secure communication with medical providers. Our service is adaptable, accommodating users on platforms such as Doc Halo, PMD, Cliq, and Curator. Experience the ease of Secure Portal message retrieval, allowing multiple office staff to access messages securely from any web browser, eliminating the need for faxing and providing a cost-effective solution for storing patient messages.
Don't Let Another Call Go Unanswered!
Contact us today to discuss how we can elevate your communication strategy and provide seamless phone coverage for your business. Call or request a quote today to get a tailor-made solution to fit your needs!